This page last changed on Sep 28, 2004 by scytacki.
This is intended to be a schedule for the December 1st deadline that Ann and I have set for ourselves.
By that point we want everything to be feature complete. So we will only be fixing un expected problems. We need to have certain parts working before then so here is a list of those deadlines and our plan to meet them.
- Oct. 1 Kelly starts entering new units into web authoring environment
- Oct. 15 Reviewers start making coments on the web version of the units generated from the authoring environment.
- Nov. 1 test w/ probeware in CCPortfolio
Other tasks:
- adding Students, Teachers, Classes, and mapping Units to Classes (MAC portal goodness)
- design and build reports for teachers of student progress
- this means writing jsp or velocity pages that can access portfolio to generate the report.
- design reports for research (can be built after students start using it)
- add query objects to the portfolio so they can be used in the reports. These include:
- query text
- list of response objects
- correct answer for each response.
- response objects:
- multiple choice
- drawings
- essay
- drawing on the graph
- datacollector objects
- define xml for creating datacollectors: type of sensors, type of values displayed, axis settings,
- guis for datacollectors: bar graph, single value field, table view
- waba version of portfolio for pocketpc
- turn java portfolio objects into waba portfolio objects.
- pocketpc sync????
- drawing on waba graph.
- pdf of teacher notes, and units
- linking member login into authoring environment
- sensor library drivers
- need six pc drivers integrated
- need translating code that can figure out the settings for each sensor based on the data collectors used in
the activity.
- one waba driver for the dataharvest pockepc